Friday, October 24, 2008
Posted by Broadbent Family at 1:47 PM 18 comments
Paige Lee Broadbent
Our sweet little Paige joined our family on October 20 at 12:23 pm. Her middle name is after her grandma and pomp. The bonus is that she has the same initials as her nonni. Everything went smoothly thanks to great doctors, nurses, anesthesiologists, and all of grandma's help. Paige was 6lbs 6 oz. and 18 1/4 inch long. She looks a lot like Hollyn, except that she has lots of blond hair. Hollyn's hair was much darker when she was born, so who knows how blond Paige is going to be. Paige and I came home from the hospital yesterday afternoon. We couldn't have been more pleased with the hospital and staff. All of my nurses were wonderful, the food was great, and the hospital itself was really nice. Dan, Hollyn, and Grandma couldn't get enough of the hospitality room. They have a room for family stocked with food, snacks, drinks, and treats.
Paige is a wonderful baby. She is eating well, sleeping lots at night and loves hugs and kisses from her big sister. Hollyn can't get enough of her and wants to hold her all day long. She is learning how to cradle Paige and kiss her softly on the cheek. Now I just need to teach her how to change Paige's diapers. Thanks for all your calls, emails, prayers and visits. We are doing great!
Posted by Broadbent Family at 1:16 PM 3 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Tomorrow is the big day
So tomorrow at noon I am going under the knife and coming out with a new addition to our family. The closer the date has come the more nervous I have become, until last night. Last night I had some serious contractions for a few hours until the baby dropped. This morning I realized that having a c-section is not so bad, especially when I don't have to go through labor and a c-section. I decided to make a list of the things I am most excited about:
1. Seeing my feet again
2. Not bumping into everything with my stomach
3. Not having to pull up my pants every 5 seconds
4. Being able to climb out of the foam pit (you had to be there)
5. Working out again
6. The best part is seeing my beautiful baby girl for the first time and holding her in my arms
The next time any of you see me I will probably look like I'm a few months pregnant, but I will have a baby with me.
Posted by Broadbent Family at 7:20 PM 8 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Baby Shower but still no baby
On Saturday some great friends here in Lincoln threw me a baby shower. It was great to get together with friends, have some delicious cheese cake, and receive some wonderful, very needed gifts. I think we are ready to roll now all we need is for the baby to come. As of today I have 11 days left until my scheduled c-section. I am trying so hard not to go early so that my mom will be here to take care of Hollyn. I am so grateful to have her coming for two weeks. I don't know what I would do without her. Hollyn is extremely excited to be a big sister and hopefully a big helper.
Posted by Broadbent Family at 3:49 PM 4 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
Apple Jack Festival and Pumpkin Patch
A few weeks ago we went to the Apple Jack Festival with some friends. It's in a little town called Nebraska City. They have a great parade and beautiful Apple Orchards to go see. The weather was a ton warmer this year than last year. Last year we were in long sleeve shirts and pants. This year Hollyn was in a tank top and shorts. Hopefully this means we will have a much shorter and warmer winter.
Last week we went to a Pumpkin Patch with our friends the Johnson's. Mandi took her two boys Jet and Rex who Hollyn absolutely loves to hang out with. This is no ordinary Pumpkin Patch, it's more like an amusement park. We spent five hours there and didn't even get to see and do everything. The kids had a blast feeding the goats, riding tricycles, jumping on a big bouncer, watching pig races, watching a pumpkin eating dragon, going on a hay ride and much more. Mandi and I attempted to take the kids on a bike ride. They have three seats in front and two in back for peddling. We didn't think it would be hard at all, but let me just say my legs were burning by the end. We got stuck at least three times and had to push ourselves to get going again. Between Mandi's laughing and my huge prego self we must have looked pretty funny. I wouldn't be surprised if someone took a video of us and it ended up on U-tube. Sorry no pictures, but I'm sure the picture in your head is just as funny. All in all it was a great adventure.
Posted by Broadbent Family at 2:36 PM 0 comments