Sunday, May 16, 2010

Family Pictures and 18 months

Before we left Lincoln my good friend Anna took our last family pictures in Nebraska. She also took Paige's 18 month pictures. Paige turned 18 months almost a month ago, but it has been a little overshadowed by Dan's graduation, as it should be. So, here is a little tribute to our little Pay Pay or Fay Fay as we like to call her. Paigey is a ball of energy, I think that's the best way to describe her. From the moment she wakes up until she lays her head down to sleep, the girl doesn't stop. Here are a few of our favorite things about Paigey:
1. Her smile. She has got a smile that will melt you to the core. Even grumpy old man smile back at her. She also loves to flash this smile every time she does something naughty and it's so hard to be upset at her.
2. Paige has the cutest cry I have ever seen.
3. She talks a lot. She has even started saying two or three words together.
4. Paige loves to jump.
5. She loves to dance. She does the most adorable shoulder shrug I have ever seen.
6. One of her favorite things to say is "hold e," meaning hold it. Paige always wants to do things on her own.
7. Paige loves to say hi to everyone. She is super friendly to everyone, unless you get in her personal space, then she has a problem.
8. She loves to do everything her sister does. Dressing up in dress ups, putting on jewelry, playing with Polly Pockets or Barbies, or cooking in our play kitchen, she does it all.
9. Paige holds her ground. The kid is only 19 lbs. but she will never back down. She is a little mighty mite. If a bigger kid tries to take a take a toy from her or pushes her she pushes right back.
10. Paige loves her big sister, she calls Sissy.
These are some of the things Paige says:
Mommy, Daddy, Sissy, Grama, Grapa, Papa, Nonni, Bubba, Anna, Shisha, hold u, no no, uha (yes), hold e, thank you, please, hi, bye, dog, swim, sim suite, Barbie, ball, wawa, tootie(for cookie), shoes, oatmeal, nack(snack), napstick(chapstick), and more I can't remember. She also does signs and really cute animal sounds. We love our little Pay Pay.

Here's a few more fun pictures.

Here's a little something for my friend Anna who took our pictures. She gave me a hard time for not putting her name in my earlier post so this is for you Anna. My top ten favorite things about Anna:
1. She is a great dancer. Put "Party in the USA" on and you will see some amazing moves.
2. She is extremely artistic. She made her sons bedding, she paints (if you ever go to her bathroom look at the picture she painted on the wall), she makes the cutest headbands, and not to mention the many things she has "helped" me sew, and when I say helped I mean she did it all.
3. Anna is a great sense of humor. Anyone who laughs at my jokes has a great sense of humor.
4. Anna is one of the most giving persons I know. She is always watching someones kids (including mine), taking dinner into someone, or having a family over for dinner.
5. She is the ultimate planner. Anna has planned many activities including a triathlon and 10 k to run, Easter Egg Hunts, and I'm sure there's more I am forgetting.
6. Anna is a great running partner. She makes the time fly by.
7. She has a fantastic laugh. It starts off like a burst and then goes into a chuckle.
8. Anna can tell you anyones favorite words or the most frequent words they say. (Mine is fantastic) She also will catch anything you say wrong. ( I don't really miss that as much)
9. Anna can laugh at herself, especially her overalls and tie dye shirt. She also rocks any color on her braces. My favorite were the orange during Halloween.
10. My favorite thing about Anna is that she's a fantastic friend. A great combination of someone you can have fun with and talk to about anything.


Anna and Jon said...

Okay, so that munchkin sized head of mine just got huge. Thanks for posting those great pics of me looking like a big dork. Miss you like CRAZY, I just can't sleep. (I hope you know that song. If not, our friendship is over!) Paige is so cute.

Mandy Johnson said...

Cute pictures Geri. You are so good and getting your family pictures done. I do not do so good. Paige is so pretty! I can not believe she only ways 19 pounds that is smaller than our Asher (by 3 pounds)! Can't wait to hang out with you guys.

Amy said...

I'm here with Anna in Seattle right now for our roommate reunion. She made me check your blog so I could see your top ten about her. Typical Anna!!!! :) She's talked about you so much and misses you like crazy. She's bitter that we'll be able to hang out. Anyway, your pics turned out so cute. It will be fun to see your fam in person.

K Lange said...

I love your pictures. You guys look great! We can't wait to see you.

QnA Drapers said...

MISS that ANNA gal. Love your post. Cute cute pics!!