Thursday, October 11, 2007

Visit from Grandma & Grandpa Hall

We were so excited and happy to have my parents come and visit this last week. Hollyn was especially excited to spend time with her grandparents. Every morning she would wake up and immediately run downstairs to wake them up and be with them. Sorry Mom and Dad for the early wake up calls, I know you guys are two hours behind us. While they were here we went to the local farmer's market, picked apples, walked downtown, went to the sunken gardens, went to a pumpkin patch, and headed over to the Mormon Trail Center and Winter Quarters Temple. They were able to come at a beautiful time of year with all of the leaves turning colors and 70-60 degree weather. I think every ones favorite part was the pumpkin patch. This was no ordinary pumpkin patch, it had pony rides, goats, lamas, cows, pig races, jumping things, hay rides, a train, bike tracks, a bunny town, and much more. It looked like a fall theme park. The Mormon Trail Center was also a great place to visit. There is so much more church history that I need to learn and every time I learn something new I am amazed at the faith and courage of those who have come before us to establish this great gospel. Grandma and Grandpa were great house guests. I think Mom cooked more than I did, and we all know what a great cook she is. Please come and visit as much as you want. We loved having you guys here!


proudmamablogga said...

Which pumpkin patch did you go to? That would be fun.

proudmamablogga said...

We went to that one last year, but
I asked because the patch looks better than last year from your pics. I don't remember anything about the animals, but that's probably because Pearl was sleeping in her wrap and Pisces and I were doing whatever we wanted.

A play group date would be awesome. If Pisces goes hunting this weekend, I'm going regardless. It is time for a caramel apple.

So glad you were able to have your parents stay for a while.